Pruners Beware, Trim with Care: What Should NOT be Trimmed in the Fall

Pruners Beware, Trim with Care: What Should NOT be Trimmed in the Fall

Fall is here and with it comes the urge to tidy up your garden and landscape. But before you grab your pruning shears, it’s important to know what should and should not be trimmed in the fall. While it may be tempting to give your plants a good trimming, there are some plants that should not be trimmed in the fall.

One important thing to keep in mind is not to trim plants that bloom on old wood. This means that the flowers for the following season are already formed on the previous year’s growth. Trimming these plants in the fall can result in the removal of flower buds and a reduced floral display the following season.

Some of the most common plants in the Northeast that bloom on old wood include hydrangea, roses, butterfly bushes, and viburnum. If you have these plants in your garden, it’s best to wait until after they have bloomed to do any trimming.

The best time to trim these plants is as soon after they have finished blooming as possible. This allows you to shape the plant and remove any dead or diseased wood, while still preserving the flower buds for the following season.

So, before you grab your pruning shears this fall, be sure to think twice about what you’re trimming. Trim with care and preserve the beauty of your garden for seasons to come!

If you need help with your fall garden cleanup or pruning, consider reaching out to the experts at J and R Property Services. They can help you keep your garden and landscape looking its best, no matter what the season.

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