Pressure Washing

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What is Pressure Washing?

Recommended Frequency: As needed

Pressure washing is the careful use of high-velocity water to clean various surfaces such as walkways, patios and decks. This technique can be much more effective than good old-fashioned elbow grease and a soapy scrub brush. Years of ground in grim and dirt can be removed in seconds with the pass of the pressure washing wand. If applicable, the use of eco-friendly detergents may be used to help loosen certain stains. Our J and R pressure washing crews are all trained on how to safely and effectively use our commercial-grade pressure washers while protecting your property.

Why is Pressure Washing Important?

  • Renew dingy walkways, patios and decks instead of replacing them!
  • Cleans more effectively and thoroughly than a soapy brush can usually do
  • Typically uses only water, no unnecessary chemicals or detergents


“I have been living in my home for 35 years and J and R Lawns & Landscapes crew are by far the best workers I have ever had. These young men were very professional and so respectful. Great job!!!”

JoAnn | Syracuse, NY

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What Services are Often Paired with Pressure Washing?

Polysand Installation

Gutter Clean Out

Serving CNY For 20+ Years - Get Started Today!


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